dilluns, 23 de novembre del 2009

my favorite sports

My favorite sports it's boxing .I love this sports because has much adrenalin and must be taken very resistance in the ring. This sports it's very tired. This sports it's very dangerous, because in the fight on the ring .There is little Standards.

dilluns, 9 de novembre del 2009


1. When was the wall built?
From 13 August 1961 to 9 November 1989.

2. Why was the wall built?
For a protective barrier antifascista.

3. How long was the wall?
The Wall will longed 45 kilometers to the city of Berlin and 115 kilometers in two separaban that the western part of town the territory.

4. What do we celebrate on the 8th November 2009?
Celebrate the pull down of the well the berlin.

5. What is the present situation of this wall?
Derrombat this wall is now no longer existe.

6. Can you think of another wall that separates people, physically or mentally? Justify your answer with information, news, pictures, videos...If the Chinese wall, separated from North China and South China, this wall was built of war, this wall was there cut off contact.

dilluns, 2 de novembre del 2009


In this day in the my life is Halloween. In this night i go with my friend's in to the dress up. In this night i go in the hause and to ask for sweets, but this man don't have a sweets. I'm and my friend's are angry with this man started to throw most eggs